The love of cheap things

I gave a library talk last night and had an unsettling conversation afterward with one of the attendees. I’d been…

13 hours ago

Colonizing close to home

One of the strands of history I follow in Food Margins is the Minute Tapioca Company saga, starting with its invention…

1 month ago

Et tu, Elizabeth?

One of my senators (whom I admire and support, BTW) has joined the chorus blaming the rise in food prices…

2 months ago

But…that’s good, right?

Oh no! People in Massachusetts are buying less meat and doing more cooking from scratch. Strong regional chains like Market…

2 months ago

How to change your life

I love this longish read from philosopher and climate organizer Rupert Read on Aeon today. In answer to the slightly click-bait-y subtitle…

3 months ago

Stop fixating on the poop

It’s good to hear more talk about the fact that we can’t solve problems caused by scale by trying to…

3 months ago

Eating those externalities

Food in America is too cheap. It’s really hard to get people to grasp that, even when they sort-of already…

4 months ago

How to make money selling food

Here’s one of my biggest lessons from the past several years of helping to keep a small grocery store afloat:…

4 months ago

Grow your own reading

So I was going to post something keying off this morning’s Guardian story about the Russians threatening to dump cheap…

4 months ago

Mmm, financialized food

You don’t get cheap meat without cheap feed. And you don’t get cheap feed without cheap grain. That’s the basic…

4 months ago